The Brand Story
It is every woman’s dream to have perfectly flawless skin.
Borned with a disfiguring red facial birthmark on her face, New Yorker Lydia O’Leary faced rejection from employment despite graduating from college with excellent grades.
One day, she was painting irises in a garden. When she was almost finished, a drop of black paint tarnished her painting. Instantly, she coated it with a different colour to correct her mistake. And that, was the first step that led to her discovery of COVERMARK.
Stimulated by this playful experiment, she went on to research for the perfect concealing formula in hope of helping others to cover birthmarks, port wine stains, burns, scars, and other imperfections on their skin.
By 1928, Lydia O’Leary successfully invented an impeccable concealing formula and officially introduced COVERMARK to the world.
The remarkable effect of COVERMARK is not only limited to the concealment and correction of birthmarks, scars or discolourations on the skin, but also supports people’s self-esteem and confidence.
Based on the spirit of Ms O’Leary, COVERMARK has since released a series of products to provide a comprehensive approach to cover skin imperfections and attain a natural-looking flawless complexion.